Which AAC Strategy Are You?

pop. speech therapist wearing wide brimmed hat holding an iPad. The ipad says do you like my new hat using an aac app

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We know what you’re thinking because we are too. Don’t you really wish there was a personality quiz out there to tell you which Augmentative and Alternative Communication Strategy you would be?

We searched high and low on Buzzfeed, but it was our very own Speechie Beth who pulled through with possibly the most accurate personality test you’ll ever take.

What will you discover about yourself? Or maybe you’ll find a new AAC app you haven’t heard of. This is a great one for the kids to try out too!

Wondering what Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) means?

AAC, or Multi-Modal Communication, encompasses all the ways someone can communicate other than talking. Augmentative means ‘used along with’ talking while alternative means ‘used instead of’ talking.

What Types of AAC Are There?

There are many different Augmentative and Alternative Communication types, tools and strategies. These include but are not limited to; facial expression, Key Word Sign, writing or drawing, pointing to symbols, using an iPad app, or using a computer or speech-generating device.

We split these into:

High-Tech AAC

An electronic or computer device that produces a voice output (e.g. an iPad with a communication app or a speech-generating-device).

Low-Tech AAC

A non-electronic form of communication using equipment (e.g. a communication book, pen and notepad).

Neither is better than the other, and both are useful in different situations.

For example, it might be faster to point to a symbol on an iPad to quickly say “hello” to a friend on the street, however this would be not suitable for when you’re in the swimming pool!

Should Everyone Use the Same Type of AAC?

Just like our AAC Strategies Personality Quiz, one type of AAC does not fit all. An AAC choice should be made based on an individual’s preferences and needs. For example, an AAC user may be able to point to symbols or they may need to use eye-gaze to make their selection.

A speech therapist may try different AAC systems to identify which one works best for your child.

Should We Encourage Speech Over AAC?

Not at all. Even if talking is your personal preference for communicating, you likely still use loads of other communication strategies every day.

It’s important to support children to use multi-modal communication to get their message across in the most effective way. For example, they might say “hello” verbally, request “more” using Key Word Sign, and choose a game to play from a symbol choice board.

In fact, there is research that suggests that use of AAC is linked to an increased chance of speech developing and improving!*

Language is abstract, so visual reinforcement (e.g. through Key Word Sign, symbols, and pictures) helps children understand it better. Verbal speech is also the most efficient way of communicating for most people and situations, so children will use this if they can to get their message across.

Speech Therapy for Multi-Modal Communicators

Speech therapists are trained and experienced in supporting people to thrive using AAC. They will assess a person’s communication needs, design options for AAC systems and make recommendations on which AAC system would be best in different situations.

At pop, our team is experienced in delivering AAC services through telehealth. Our experienced team of speech therapists have a passion for supporting children to gain confidence in their communication, including through AAC solutions. Just like how we match our clients with the best speech therapist for their needs, we spend time with families to help them find the best AAC strategy for their everyday living.

If you’re curious about how pop. can support your child’s communication with AAC, book a free discovery call to speak with an experienced speech therapist about our video call sessions.

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*You can find research here:

  • “The Impact of Augmentative and Alternative Communication Intervention on the Speech Production of Individuals With Developmental Disabilities: A Research Review” by Diane C. Millar, Janice C. Light and Ralf W. Schlosser in Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, April 2006, Vol. 49, 248-264. doi:10.1044/1092-4388(2006/021)
  • “Effects of Augmentative and Alternative Communication Intervention on Speech Production in Children With Autism: A Systematic Review” by Ralf W. Schlosser and Oliver Wendt in American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, August 2008, Vol. 17, 212-230. doi:10.1044/1058-0360(2008/021)

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