Online Speech Therapy for Kids

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Access telehealth speech therapy for your child at the click of a button! Pop provides assessment and intervention for babies and toddlers, right through to adolescents.



Tongue Ties

Late Talkers

Attention and Working Memory


Social Communication

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

Fussy Eating



Speech Sounds


What is literacy?

Literacy encompasses reading, writing and spelling.

How we support literacy:

At Pop we have a special interest in literacy!

  • At Pop we use evidence-based, synthetic-phonics programs to target literacy.
  • We tailor each therapy program to suit your child; working our way up from their level to achieve long term literacy goals
  • We prioritise fostering confidence when targeting literacy skills and look at the “big picture” of school and life
Telehealth Literacy Services

Speech Sounds

What is it?

Speech sound delays and disorders involve one sound being substituted with another sound. This may make it hard for others to understand your child.

How we support speech sounds:

  • We support speech sound delays and disorders by conducting assessments and therapy, all online! If your child has difficulty producing a sound, or swapping one sound for another, we can identify these errors, and work with your child towards clear and confident speech!


What is it?

  • Expressive language: vocabulary, spoken grammar, sentence structure and the ability to express yourself clearly.
  • Receptive Language: Ability to follow instructions, understand verbal and visual information.

How we support language:

  • We give your child the strategies they need to be able to express themselves clearly. We also support them functionally and help them have access to the curriculum. We focus on functional language goals that will have the greatest impact on your child’s life, long term.
Telehealth Tongue Tied Services

Tongue Tie

What is it?

Tongue tie is when the frenulum (the tissue under the tongue) impairs the normal functions of the mouth and face. Tongue tie can lead to:

  • Difficulty breastfeeding
  • Interdental speech sounds
  • Tongue-thrust swallow (forward movement of the tongue during swallowing)
  • Mouth breathing
  • Snoring
  • Oral habits such as thumb sucking
  • Recurring sickness (as a result of mouth breathing)

How we support tongue tie:

  • We identify signs of tongue tie and work closely with specialists and a range of health professionals to holistically target any functional impairments associated with a tongue tie.
  • Pop therapists practise Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy (OMT) retrain tongue position for speech and swallowing, as well as promoting nose breathing.

Late Talkers

What is it?

A late talker is a child who has an age-appropriate ability to understand, has good play and social communication skills, BUT…has a smaller amount of words in their vocabulary than expected for their age.

How we support late talkers:

  • Use Hanen evidence-based strategies to support you and your child
  • We coach you to be the best therapist for your child, at home!
  • Pop has therapists who want to empower YOU to build your child’s speech and language skills.
Telehealth Late Talkers Services

Attention & Working Memory

What is it?

Your child’s ability to attend to task, retain and manipulate information is more highly correlated with academic success than intelligence (IQ).

How we support attention and working memory:

  • We use evidence-based therapy techniques and teach your child learning strategies that they can employ to compensate for attention & working memory difficulties.
  • We refer you to the right professionals and specialists for the management your child’s working memory difficulties.

Stuttering (Fluency)

What is it?

Stuttering is holding onto a sound, or repeating a sound, word or phrase repeatedly, causing dysfluency in speech. It can also sound like someone is getting “stuck” on their words.

How we support stuttering:

  • We use evidence-based programs to give your child the strategies they need to develop and maintain smooth speech.

Social Communication

What is it?

Social communication includes all the skills necessary to make and maintain friendships.

How we support social communication:

At Pop, our experienced therapists use evidence-based programs that involve fun social-stories, with embedded concepts such as;

  • Flexibility
  • Managing emotions
  • Making and maintaining friendships
  • Thinking about others
  • And much more!

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

What is it?

Often those with ASD have difficulty hitting their language and play-skills milestones, and have difficulty with social communication. But…ASD is different for everyone! This means that therapy needs to be tailored to the person with ASD.

How we support ASD:

  • At Pop we work at your child’s level and tailor the therapy to their specific strengths and difficulties.
  • Our experienced therapists target goals that include social communication, language building, literacy, and swallowing/meal time behaviour and many more.
Telehealth Fussy Eating Services

Fussy Eating

What is it?

Children who have restricted diets caused by picky eating habits. This can impact their ability to meet their nutritional needs.

How we support fussy eating:

  • We assess the environmental impacts on your child’s eating habits and provide structures and support for creating the optimal mealtime environment.
  • We use behavioural programs that work to expose your child to a variety of foods and textures, bringing fun into your child’s experiences with food!


What is it?

Dysphagia encompasses difficulties with swallowing. Dysphagia can lead to; coughing, choking, or food and fluid ‘going down the wrong way’ (into the lungs).

How we support swallowing:

  • Complete swallow assessments via telehealth!
  • Provide strategies, support and dysphagia rehab online!     
  • Assess your child’s suck-swallow pattern and determine if there are any risks of aspiration.
  • Provide strategies and refer to your local specialised clinicians if your presentation is acute.
Telehealth Swallowing Services
Telehealth Voice Training Services


What is it?

Voice is the ability to produce sound from your vocal chords (your voice box). If your child’s voice sounds different than others their age, or if it feels/sounds different than usual, they may have a voice disorder. This happens for a number of reasons. If you believe your child has a voice disorder contact us and we can assess further.

How we support voice:

  • Work closely with amazing Ear, Nose and Throat doctors, who can have a look at your vocal folds (voice box), and together, we make a plan for helping you use your voice safely, and effectively.
  • Use evidence-based approaches to voice therapy, targeting the precise muscles involved.
  • Teach your child how to use their voice safely!

What's Next?

Supporting Individuals

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Online Speech Therapy, all sessions delivered via telehealth

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P.S. If you have had speech therapy before or already know what you’re after, you can jump to our appointment booking form here.

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