Online Speech Therapy for Schools

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Speech Sounds

Autism Spectrum Disorder

Attention and Working Memory

Disability / NDIS

Accessing the Curriculum

Social Communication

Are you a school?

Contact us for our Interventions Guide

Why your school needs a Speechie:

Schools are starting to partner with Speech Pathologists worldwide to improve student outcomes. By providing our services 100% online, we deliver:

  • Consistency
  • No travel costs or time
  • No waiting lists
  • No signing in! > We don’t visit your school in person – eliminating risks for your school.
  • Staff training is included > training your staff on the ground so that they can implement strategies long after therapy is completed!
  • Results > Telehealth is shown to achieve the same results as in-person services.

Who can we help:

Speech Therapy exists to support children reach their potential. It is NOT a service reserved for the bottom of the class. Any student that is having trouble participating in classroom tasks due to communication/ literacy difficulties and as a result of this, is not reaching their full potential will benefit from working with a Speech Pathologist. Eligible student may struggle with:

  • Learning at school
  • Understanding instructions or information
  • Following directions
  • Reading and writing
  • Spelling
  • Joining in group activities
  • Making and maintaining friendships
  • Using appropriate behaviour 
  • Expressing their needs or ideas 
  • Relating to teachers and friends
  • Reaching their potential in the classroom (e.g. might be labelled as “lazy”)
  • Completing classroom work

Contact us for our ‘Red Flags Early Identification Checklist’ to see if any of your students need our help!

Measuring Outcomes:

We provide all partnering schools with end of term data and financial reporting.

Our therapy has the potential to provide you with qualitative (e.g. observable increases in confidence, participation, behaviour, compliance attitudes to learning etc.) and quantitative data to measure the impact of intervention (e.g. data from pre- and post- testing). 


What is it?

Literacy encompasses reading, writing and spelling.

How we support literacy:

  • At Pop we use evidence-based, synthetic-phonics programs to target literacy.
  • We tailor each therapy program to suit your student; working our way up from their level to achieve long term literacy goals.
  • We prioritise fostering confidence when targeting literacy skills and look at the “big picture” of school and life.
Literacy Services


What is it?

Language is different from speech. Language skills include:

  • Expressive language: vocabulary, spoken grammar, sentence structure and the ability to express yourself clearly.
  • Receptive Language: Ability to follow instructions, understand verbal and visual information.

How we support language:

  • We give your student the strategies they need to be able to express themselves clearly. We also support them functionally and help them have access to the curriculum. We focus on functional language goals that will have the greatest impact on the student’s life, long term.

Speech Sounds

What is it?

The ability to produce speech sounds.

How we support speech sounds:

  • We support speech sound delays and disorders by conducting assessments and therapy, all online! If the student has difficulty producing a sound, or swapping one sound for another, we can identify these errors, and work with them towards clear and confident speech!
Speech Pathologists Australia - Telehealth Classes with Kids

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

What is it?

Often those with ASD have difficulty hitting their language and play-skills milestones, and have difficulty with social communication. But…ASD is different for everyone! This means that therapy needs to be tailored to the person with ASD.

How we support ASD:

  • At Pop we work at the student’s level and tailor the therapy to their specific strengths and difficulties.
  • Our experienced therapists target goals that include social communication, language building, literacy, and swallowing/meal time behaviour and many more.

Attention & Working Memory

What is it?

  The ability to attend to a task, and retain and manipulate information is more highly correlated with academic success than intelligence (IQ).

How we support attention and working memory:

  • We use evidence-based therapy techniques and teach the student learning strategies that they can employ to compensate for attention & working memory difficulties.
  • We refer you to the right professionals and specialists for the management the student’s working memory difficulties
Telehealth NDIS Services


What is it?

Disability means many different things, including hearing or vision impairments, mobility impairments, intellectual impairments, learning disabilities, mental disabilities, or medical disabilities. If your school has a student with a disability who is a participant of the NDIS we can BULK BILL their sessions!

How we support people with disabilities:

At Pop, we have a lot of experience with the NDIS, and we can provide support to help your student’s family navigate the NDIS. Our experienced therapists provide evidence-based therapy and support for people of all ages with;

  • Intellectual Impairments
  • Hearing Impairments
  • Learning Disabilities
  • Mobility Impairments
  • Vision Impairments
  • Mental Disabilities
  • Medical Disabilities

Accessing the Curriculum

What is it?

Children with communication, literacy and/or attention & working memory difficulties can have difficulty understanding the learning material given in class. It is VITAL these children are supported to be able to access their curriculum.

How we support students to access the curriculum:

  • Work closely with amazing teachers to ensure we are targeting functional goals.
  • Tailor therapy to the child and their strengths/difficulties. We are specialists in supporting students to achieve their full potential at school.
Telehealth Literacy Services

Social Communication

What is it?

Social communication includes all the skills necessary to make and maintain friendships.

How we support social communication:

At Pop, our experienced therapists use evidence-based programs that involve fun social-stories, with embedded concepts such as;

  • Flexibility
  • Managing emotions
  • Making and maintaining friendships
  • Thinking about others
  • And much more

What's Next?

Supporting Individuals

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Online Speech Therapy, all sessions delivered via telehealth

We currently have NO WAITLIST!
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Begin your journey with Pop

In this discovery call, the Speech Therapist will:

P.S. If you have had speech therapy before or already know what you’re after, you can jump to our appointment booking form here.

Book your free 15 minute discovery call with one of our experienced Speech Therapists below.