Meet Ivana Kovatchev, the dedicated Speech Pathologist from Western Australia. Ivana graduated with a Master’s degree in Speech Pathology and a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology. Additionally, she has completed extensive training in literacy and language programs, including Sounds-Write, Heggerty, Talk for Writing, and the Shape Coding System. She has used these learnings to support children and families with a range of interventions including in speech, language, literacy, stuttering, and social communication.
Ivana’s passion for empowering children and their families to achieve their communication goals is the driving force behind her work. She believes in building confidence through effective communication and is particularly interested in working with children who face speech, language, and literacy difficulties.
Things Ivana loves:
🐕 Beach walks with her dogs, Spike and Kobe
🎸 Playing the guitar
🍲 Indulging in delicious Thai food
Pop acknowledges and pays respect to the past and present Traditional Custodians and Elders of this nation and the continuation of cultural, spiritual and educational practices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
In this discovery call, the Speech Therapist will:
P.S. If you have had speech therapy before or already know what you’re after, you can jump to our appointment booking form here.
Book your free 15 minute discovery call with one of our experienced Speech Therapists below.